
Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel 2021

Regular price $55.00

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It all started in the 1940s when 14-year-old Aldo Biale helped his mother to make ends meet by selling to insider Napans–along with eggs and produce–some of the family’s homemade Zinfandel. Over the old “party line” phone system, the code words “a Black Chicken” signified a jug of bootleg wine…and kept nosy neighbors and the authorities from finding out about Aldo’s underground Zinfandel operation!

Black Chicken is medium to deep garnet-purple colored with broody tar, baked black fruit, plums and blueberry preserves with notes of exotic spices and tobacco. The palate is medium to full-bodied, chewy and earthy with a spicy kick on the finish.

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